Friday, March 19, 2010

Clearing the clutter

No, I'm not talking about the house....although, there is clutter aplenty in any given drawer or door within. (yes, I am working on that)
The reference is to what is taking up too much space in my mind and spirit. With Spring here officially as of tomorrow, it's time to take stock. Clear the cobwebs and dust bunnies (a.k.a. doubt, fear, procrastination,excuses)...and make space for clean, clear, purpose and intent.
It really seems as simple as mind over matter, just making the choice and moving forward.
After all, it's certainly easy to spot in other people what they need to improve. But who knows, what I think could or should change, may not be anywhere on their "radar screen" as an issue.
(NOT that I am a judgmental person....really....just keen observer!)
After all, most people seem relatively content with their ways.....we are creatures of habit.
I do wonder, if as many things I see that need improvement, or even complete I really able to recognize what is holding me back from achieving all I hope to within this lifetime? Not that there is a vast list....but the pining for similar actions and results as 20 years ago is still present. Success is different to everyone. As of now, I am venturing into a new little business. No respite or hesitation, no fear. Aw...who am I kidding? I am scared...but determined. For today...that's good enough to make a little progress.